Class Newspaper

Time: 30-40 minutes, or homework assignment


  • Pencils and paper
  • Computer with newspaper template


One week I set my fifth grade to work on a new activity–a class newspaper.  I split the class up into groups of three, and assigned each a topic.  Among them were:

  • Editing
  • Transitioning from Fourth to Fifth Grade
  • Testing Time
  • Classroom Celebrations

Each group worked together to determine how each member would contribute to the content and had lots of fun drawing pictures to go along with their articles.  It was a great way for them to practice writing an informational piece and put their school lives into English words.

Once all the groups were finished I typed their work into a newspaper template and put the pictures in the according places.  It made a beautiful finished product that they enjoyed keeping in the classroom to look at.  This could be expanded to a continuous project; students could continue making new and updated editions throughout the year.

This great article from Scholastic also gives topic ideas and guidance on a project like this.

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